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Live@Liv Mixed Use Development


Detroit, MI



The Live@Liv development builds upon the revitalization of Detroit’s historic Avenue of  Fashion with its introduction of a dynamic mixed use concept on the Livernois corridor. While recent revitalization efforts have been primarily aimed at improving infrastructure, enhancing the streetscape, and attracting commercial development, residential development has been lacking.


As current zoning restrictions present a challenge to significant residential development on the Avenue of Fashion, the potential for revised guidelines can allow for more robust additions to the existing residential programming along the corridor. With its combination of residential and commercial programming, renovation and new construction, the 13000 sq ft Live@Liv development represents a critical component of self-sustaining, walkable communities. The development concept exemplifies the live-work- play ethos central to Detroit’s revitalization goals, employs a conscientious design process, and models an innovative yet simple solution that can be replicated in a variety of urban planning contexts.

The primary goals of this development are to increase the walkability of the community, encourage diverse development on the livernois corridor, provide additional options for Detroit city living, and expand the resources and amenities available to the existing neighboring community. These driving tenets are reflected and addressed through the design and the proposed function of the space.

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2761 E. Jefferson, Suite 302

Detroit, MI 48207   /    313.450.4545

©2023 by 4545 Architecture and Design.

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